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Sometimes customers are of the belief that a customer service provider is all-powerful. The belief seems
to come from the fact that, as an employee of the company, you will have some access to the inner
workings of the company. Frequently the extent of a complaint will be that “this doesn’t work and I
want a new one/this one to be fixed/my money back”. Their displeasure will be clear, and may even
shade into anger. Trying to defuse a situation like that is always a challenge, and requires a great deal of
patience. It is not impossible, however – and emerging triumphant from such a situation can be a very
big milestone.
The important thing to keep in mind when dealing with a customer complaint is that losing your
patience with the customer will never lead to a satisfactory conclusion – for you and most likely for
them. Although it may seem galling, and rather challenging, you will need to keep a firm hold of your
temper and address their complaint to the best of your knowledge and ability. Tell them that you can
see their problem and you will do everything you can to make sure it is corrected. Explain to them what
you are going to do, and gain their assent for everything before you do it. If there is no way you can help
them, do not chase a lost cause. Explain that you cannot help them, explain why, and offer apologies
and a word of advice about where they can get help. This can lead to a positive resolution – but if it does
not, at least you will have done what you can.