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Examples: Eliminate Electronic Ping Pong
One of the benefits of e-mail is its promptness. Sending an e-mail to a friend, a
customer, or a co-worker can be done very quickly, and will usually be read within a
short time of being sent. This system means that, wherever our conversation
partner is in the world, we can converse in real time without the need for a huge
telephone bill. Partially due to this, we have a habit of sending e-mails in a very
cursory manner, which can lead to them being sent with information missing. This
leads to a phenomenon known as “electronic ping-pong”, with each party sending ten e-mails to each
other to organize or clarify something that could have been handled in the space of two or three
messages. Below are some examples of this:
Avoid Email Ping Pong
Bob and Carol exchange email messages about setting up a meeting.
Bob: Could we meet in the next few days to discuss the new inspection procedure?
Carol: Sure. What time is good for you?
Bob: How about this Thursday? Are you free for lunch?
Carol: No, I have another commitment. How about 4:00?
Bob: Sorry, I have to leave early on Thursday. How about Thursday morning at 10:00?
Carol: Sorry, can’t make it. How about next week?
Alice and Ted exchange email messages about sharing some financial data
Alice: Would you please send me the financial results for the first quarter?
Ted: The attached file contains the financial data you requested.
Alice: Thank you.
Ted: You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.
Alice: I will. Thanks again.