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Page 46
Dealing with Vulgarity
Showing anger, for many people, involves expressing themselves using language
which would be considered “vulgar”. What one person considers being vulgar may
not be considered vulgar by the next person, however there are certain words and
phrases which it is agreed are to be avoided in polite conversation. When making a
complaint, customers should realize that it is wise to avoid such words and phrases,
as it is no more likely to get their problem solved. However, the fact remains that
sometime people will resort to such expressions of anger, and as a customer service provider it is up to
you to decide what you will allow and what you won’t.
The danger of allowing a customer to use a mild profanity without passing comment on it is that they
will possibly decide that anything goes. If they can get away with a mild swear word, they may try their
luck with something more graphic and insulting. It is wise, even if you are not offended by profanity, to
advise them that you cannot continue the conversation if they are going to use profanities. The danger
otherwise is that they can begin to outdo themselves.
It is not about what personally offends you. There are many of us who are not in the least offended by
swearing, and there are probably few who have not used at least a mild swear word in a moment of
pain, frustration, or anger. However, using them towards people is different – you do not know how
every person will react, and it is a simple matter of politeness to keep language clean when dealing with
official issues. Develop your own policy with profanity from customers, but always bear in mind that
there are other customers around, and to allow swearing to continue or escalate does not affect just