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The Power of a Smile
Often opinions differ on what constitutes a strong approach to customer service.
There are some who would argue that efficiency is everything – providing the
customer with what they require, when they require it without them needing to
ask for it. The overall impression that this method aims for is that things happened
without anyone needing to try, as if by magic. This means that courtesy counts for
an increasing amount in customer transactions.
Being positive and friendly in customer interactions plays a major part in ensuring that a customer walks
away from the experience having felt that everything was done in a way that suggested the customer is
valued. This may impact on how much they spend in a single transaction, and just as important, whether
they return to the business with more customers, because of their positive experience. In this respect, a
smile can make a world of difference to how the customer feels about their treatment, and about the
business in general.
Having a smile on your face makes you look more welcoming. It is something that cannot be
overestimated as a customer service and retention tool. If you were to walk into a store, and saw two
sales assistants – one who looked cheerful and open and one who looked like they had just opened an
overdue credit card bill – instinct would dictate that you approached the cheerful one should you have
an enquiry about the item you wanted to buy. Therefore it is advised that in dealing with customers you
are always alert, friendly, and personable. Even if you are not particularly feeling that way, it has been
argued by body language experts that the act of smiling releases endorphins which make you feel
happier. So it is worth making the effort to put a smile on your face however you are feeling.