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Who Are Customer Service Providers?
Given the importance of customer service, it will inevitably be the case that any
company will have to place a strong focus on ensuring that the people within the
business do their jobs as required. Any commercial enterprise may have several
layers of staff responsibility, and the jobs done by these members may vary
considerably. What they all have in common is their importance to a business
lies in their ability to do what is required, and how it should be done. Just about anyone can get one of
these elements right, and most will be able to do two. Customer service providers have to get all three.
In any business, a customer service provider is someone whose performance of their role is important to
the overall result for the customer. Most customers will not care much for what happens behind the
scenes in a company, so long as they are able to count on their needs being fulfilled. It is therefore the
focus of every member of staff to see to it that their job is done without it being necessary for urgent
action to be taken. The element of customer service that most customers will notice in any given
transaction is that which happens in full view – how the sales people speak to them and how their
enquiry is dealt with. But to get to that point, a number of other things also need to be done correctly.
It could be argued that every member of staff within an organization has an element of customer service
provision within their responsibilities. It may be something as simple as ensuring that stock is placed
where it needs to be placed. It may be something that appears to be entirely divorced from the sales
service, such as the work of a security guard who ensures that the store is secure at all times so that
everything runs smoothly. One way or another, all of these will impact on the customer experience, and
getting it wrong will mean that a company is failing to provide customer service at the level that is
expected of them.